Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Bluetooth Wireless Technology

Bluetooth technology is a wireless communication system intended to replace the cables that connect a wide array of devices. For the past decade, Bluetooth has prided itself on being "Simple, Secure, and Everywhere." Their products provide simplicity to everyday life through convenience, freedom, and ease-of-use. Data is secure, whether it be what you say in a telephone call or data from a wireless medical sensor. Lastly, Bluetooth technology is in billions of products worldwide, including virtually every mobile phone, laptop, tablet, new car, and medical device. As we become a more technologically advanced and globalized nation, these three factors are critical.

Bluetooth technology first gained prominence with the development of the "Hands-free" calling system, which can be built in to your new car. Since safety isn't enough to persuade drivers to keep both hands on the wheel, the government has begun to implement numerous laws regarding the use of mobile phones when driving. The Jabra-Cruiser 2 (pictured to the left) is an example of a device infused with Bluetooth technology. By simply clipping it to your car's sun visor and pairing it with your mobile phone, you may answer and place calls without touching your device.

In addition to devices such as the Jabra Cruiser 2 that clip onto your car's sun visor, Bluetooth headsets are also quite prominent. In fact, the headset is the most popular method of hands-free calling today. When paired with your mobile phone, the headset can be used anywhere and everywhere, making hands-free calling available even when traveling by foot.

Bluetooth is also beginning to gain prominence in the medical field. One example of a medical device infused with Bluetooth technology is the 3M Littmann Electronic Stethoscope Model 3200. This device allows doctors and physicians to focus on listening to your heart while the stethoscope "does the rest," meaning it will send your information wirelessly to a PC, laptop, or even a mobile phone.

Since its introduction in 1998, and from developments ranging from wireless headsets to the electronic stethoscope, it is apparent that Bluetooth has contributed to our technologically advanced and globalized world.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Conor Golden


One of the many inventions that have changed people’s lives in the twenty first century is the blue tooth technology. This invention has made countless numbers of people’s lives simpler and more fulfilling. For example blue tooth has made using a cell phone as easy as talking to the person in front of you all you have to do is hit the button on the earpiece and start talking. This same technology has made talking on your phone in the car many times less dangerous than if you had the phone in your hand while driving. This has decreased the amount of accidents involving cell phones and driving. Blue tooth has other application other than hands free cell phone use, such as wireless headphones for your iPod and wireless controllers for the x box and play station three. Most of the wireless technology that exists today is due to the application of blue tooth technology.

Blue tooth technology has also managed to cross market itself to multiple arenas of the technology markets by making itself interchangeable with many popular technological innovations of today. Not only is blue tooth technology able to be used alongside a wide variety of cell phones, Apple, Droid, or Blackberry, but also in conjunction with laptop computers and gaming consoles. Having music playing while one is playing a video game is mandatory for most “serious” gamers, regardless of the feelings of those people around them who may not want to listen to their music and often echoing gun shots. Blue tooth is the answer to that. By having a device that can quietly allow the gamer to listen to the sounds of their video game and the music that they like all in a compact wireless device as made blue tooth a necessity for both video gamers and parents alike.

One of the major attributes of the Apple Corporation is the ITunes component of their business. It has been the backbone of one of the biggest and most innovative companies dominating the technology market today. Blue tooth has managed to adapt its product to interface with ITunes and allow its user to listen to music they have downloaded through that system in a small, compact device that connects wirelessly to their cell phone or IPod. People who need to have their hands free and be free of wires which have the potential to tangle up their range of motion, prefer the Bluetooth technology. This wireless feature has made it a necessity to both gamers and working people alike.

3g and 4g


3g and 4g different speeds that providers produce for their customers. Providers such as AT&T and Verizon are the tops two in this field. The only down side tot his is that many areas, especially not in the city do not have 4g accessible. Even if your phone has the option or says that it is a 4g phone, it also depends on where the 4g towers are. 3g is clearly everywhere. Very rarely a phone such as an iphone does not have 3g. The only time that I have seen an iphone without 3g is when you are literally in the middle of nowhere. Chances are if you have a phone that has 3g, you will be able to search the web or download apps or programs for your phone relatively fast. In today society 3g and 4g are very similar considering there is not 4g towers up everywhere, unless you are in a spot with 4g, a 3g and 4g phone will run n practically the same speed.

3g have a completely different system build then the 4g does. The 3g’s frequency band is 1.8-2.5GHz. It FEC uses turbo codes for error correction and its data throughput is up to 3.1 mbps. 3g also run CDMA 2000, UMTS, EDGE and etc for their service for applications. And also uses packet switching.

On the other hand 4g uses different everything then the 3g. 4g use a 2-8GHz-frequency band. The Concatenated codes are used for error corrections in 4g. The 4g also practically speaking, uses 3 to 5 mbps but potential estimated at a range of 100 to 300 mbps. Wimax, LTE and Wi-Fi are used to run services and applications. The 4g also use packet switching like the 3g but also use message switching.

In comparison to the 3g and 4g you can see that they are similar and different at the same time. Until 4g towers are everywhere you will not be able to see a huge difference between speeds. Right now the main 4g towers are found in major cities and in very large populated areas. The towers will continue to go in on the countryside and spread all over but not until the product spreads more.

As of right now with the speed tests Sprint is wiping everyone out. Sprint has the most 4g towers up and provides that service in more areas then anywhere else. At &T and Verizon are trying to catch up to sprint and get on the some level as them. Just like with any other technology it is only a matter of time before everyone catches up with each other and is on the same boat.

Monday, November 7, 2011

3G vs. 4G

In the cell phone market, technology is growing so rapidly. Right now, there is a gap between the third generation phones and the fourth generation. Since 2003, phones have been built on 3G software. Over the course of a few years, manufacturers have been able to upgrade this 3G software to 4G. This 4G technology has enhanced speed, clarity of calls, and internet applications. Overall making it a better phone. Third Generations phones can reach up to 3 Megabits per second (Mbps), with average speeds tending to be closer to 1Mbps or lower. This means 1 million bits, or 125,000 bytes, of data are being transferred per second in equivalent speeds to most standard home DSL Internet connections. This takes 1-2 minutes to download a 4 minute MP3 file. 3G phones are everywhere. They are more popular in the city areas.

3G phones are becoming old. 4G phones are now being made by all cell phone companies. The 4G phones are smaller and a lot faster than the 3G ones. This means for a 4 minute MP3 file download would only take 4G users seconds!

4G is the shorthand for fourth-generation wireless (3G is third-generation), though the version of 4G currently available in the United States could be more accurately be described as advanced 3G. A 4G network can be up to 10 times fasterthan 3G, letting consumers browse the web, download songs and stream movies more quickly -- and potentially -- more often. U.S. wireless companies also promise that building out their 4G networks will help bring broadband to the rural areas that currently lack reliable high-speed Internet. It is the data rate which makes the difference. Both 3G and 4G have a bandwidth of 5 - 20 MHz. For 4G network, the data rate has been set at 100 Mbit in moving vehicles and 1 Gits in stationary and walking users. The data rates specified by International Telecommunication Union (ITU) for 3G are 2 Mbps for stationary or walking users, while it is set at 384 kbits in a moving vehicle.

Although most users think 4G will help dropped calls and have better service, it will not. There are still some issues with 4G phones which ultimately might make higher phone bills.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

3G and 4G

A growing technology in the market today is in the cell phone industry. The Phone industry is about bridge the Gap between third generation phones and Fourth Generation Phones. From about 2003, Cell phones have been built on what we call 3G, third Generation software and technologies for cell phones. During the last couple of years, cell phone manufactures to great success have managed to stretch and improve upon the 3G technologies to enhance speed, clarity of calls, and Internet applications. Third Generations phones can reach up to 3 Megabits per second (Mbps), with average speeds tending to be closer to 1Mbps or lower. This means 1 million bits, or 125,000 bytes, of data are being transferred per second in equivalent speeds to most standard home DSL Internet connections. At this download speed, it takes roughly 1 to 2 minutes to download a 4-minute MP3 file. 3G coverage spans most of the continental United States, with heavier coverage around major metropolitan areas.

However the 3G technologies has begun to grow old, and now companies are beginning to build phones based off 4G, Fourth Generation technologies. These phones will ultimately be smaller, faster, and serve the user in new and unique ways. 4G phones are estimated to run up to 100 times faster than 3G enabled phones. Fourth Generation phones on average will achieve speeds on connectivity of about 100Mbps to 1Gbps range. At that rate, that 4 minute MP3 downloads may only take users seconds.

4G phones however are hitting quite a few speed bumps that are making some buyers hold off until the new technology is stable. The big problem is 4G services is only available in certain locations, and phones that are 4G enabled end up reverting back to 3G service once out of 4G service. Critics say once 4G is wide spread phones bought at the beginning of the 4G generation may be outdated, because companies will have had time to hit their stride, and stretch the technology farther. Critics refer to these smart phones as pre 4G phones because they have yet to reach the speeds described above.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Julie Blais
Homework #7


Bluetooth technology is considered the most successful short range wireless technology. Bluetooth devices includes: phones, tablets, TV’s and PC’s. These devices can talk to each other and communicate with other Bluetooth enabled appliances.

Bluetooth has enhanced many different products that people use every day. One product that Bluetooth has helped create is a smart home market. Smart home devices help homeowners use less energy and save money. Two-way communication allows smart meters to send information to homeowners about energy consumption. Homeowners now have the ability to use their Bluetooth phone, tablet, or PC to adjust their heat and air conditioning. They can do this from their homes or away from their homes. Bluetooth hub devices help homeowners control their energy use by scheduling high powered appliances to use electricity when prices are the lowest. Other home appliances can be controlled by phones, tablets, PC’s, or TV’s like lights, temperature window and door locks, security systems, and other household appliances.

Another product that Bluetooth has enhanced is the automotive industry. Bluetooth hands free calling is now included as standard equipment on new cars and trucks. 12 major car manufacturers offer Bluetooth calling systems in their vehicles. Since there are new driving laws prohibiting the use of cell phones while driving, many people look for hands free calling systems while shopping for a new car. There are Bluetooth speakerphones that clip to a car’s visor, or a Bluetooth headset. Bluetooth enables car receivers and audio systems allow people to wirelessly connect their Bluetooth enables phone or iPod to their car’s audio system. Wireless music and hands free calling are the biggest areas for Bluetooth technology in vehicles, but there are more areas offered to Bluetooth customers. Smart phones have the ability to run apps on flat-panel displays in their car. These apps can help them navigate, check traffic, view weather, and many other things. Toyota and Hyundai offer Bluetooth enabled systems for smart phone apps in their cars. In total there are 10-15 different ways to use Bluetooth technology in the car. Some of these ways are hands free calling, music streaming, navigation, and car diagnostics.

Friday, November 4, 2011


Zack Swan

Professor Fleury- Lawson

Home work assignment 7


SIG stands for the Bluetooth Specialist Interest group. This group was founded in 1998 in September. Blue tooth is privately held and owned and not-for-profit trade association. As of today Bluetooth has more than 15,000 company members today. It enables wireless connections between a huge variety of devices. “Bluetooth is an industry specification used to create small personal area networks”. (Rainer, Cegielski. Introduction to Information Systems. Page 248). When it comes to the Bluetooth technology it is simply for everyday ordinary users. It is applied into a lot of technologies that are very popular in today’s society. Some of the things that it is featured in are cell phones, cars and computers. The Bluetooth Company also offers one of the best securities for your blue tooth devices. These securities can protect everyday phone calls, over the phone bank transactions and personal or private information you want to be kept private. Data is kept secure with Bluetooth. One of the best features is that blue tooth is everywhere now. The technology is featured in billions of products everywhere. The ability of different uses of Bluetooth is the focus of connecting and communication.

Even though Bluetooth is known for featuring in a lot of products everywhere to a lot of people, the one that seems most helpful is Bluetooth inside cars and other vehicles. The company has moved up in technologies going forth their goal of completely hands free calling experience. The company first started towards this goal by eliminating wireless head sets and hands-free car systems. The new completely hands free is done so by speech recognition. It has other features like text- to speech and things called “speech triggers” that are verbal commands that will turn on your hands free devices. The new use of voice controls is what has really enhanced Bluetooth use is vehicles. The other products that have enhanced with Bluetooth technologies are ones for the home. The Bluetooth allows you to be able to control almost everything in you house simply and easily. Lets you control house temperatures, lights and household appliances. Along with this it is energy efficient since it is being run by the Bluetooth technologies. It also serves a good piece of entertainment to be able to control light settings and appliances for virtually anywhere in the household.



· Rainer & Cegielski. Introduction to information Systems. 3rd edition

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Bluetooth Technology

Bluetooth is a technology based company that makes electrical products more enhanced and easier to use. The company started in 1998 when five companys had decided to form together into one to put all their ideas together. The whole point of Bluetooth is to make already made products and ideas more effiecient by making useful accessories for a product to make them only easier to use and operate. The business flourishes through this because so many people are looking for ways to improve their products making them easier to handle.

One product Bluetooth has enhanced is the whole idea of talking on your phone while driving. All around the world laws are making it illegal to text and talk on your phone while driving. The reason behind this is because whenever performing one of those tasks your either taking your hands off the wheel or not concentrating on the road which can be very dangerous to yourself and other around you. Bluetooth had enhanced the idea about how they would go about communicating in the car. The company had created technology to make calls and use your phone hands free, they do this by using voice recognition. It allows you to make a call by just saying something to the bluetooth product. The safety that this product provides make it a must by for people who are on the phone alot in their cars. This product makes it much safer to operate a car and communicate making it a must buy for consumers.

The second product bluetooth has enhanced is the household remote. Remotes can be a pain to find and there are always so many to deal with which can be frustrating and not efficient. Bluetooth has a product that is a remote that can control all of your household products at one time such as your tv remote, dvd remote, lighting and more. This product makes it much easier for the consumer to use and handle their electric household products. The effeciency that this product brings is what makes so many people go out and buy this product.

Overall after browsing the website I had noticed that Bluetooth makes a profit off of already made profucts and by making them more efficient. The world today is already so fast paced and having Bluetooth products makes it easier and quicker to use. This is why Bluetooth is a growing company, because the ideas are endless when it comes to making products more efficient.

Bluetooth Technology

Bluetooth technology has been around since 1998 where five companies Ericsson, Nokia, IBM, Intel, and Toshiba formed into The Bluetooth Special Interest group other known as (SIG). Bluetooth is a proprietary open wireless technology standard for exchanging data over short distance. Back in 1998 this was the future of wireless technology and even after 13 years of being around it still is the future of technology.

Bluetooth has come a long way from where it first began. When I was growing up I noticed these tiny little earpieces in peoples ears, mostly business workers. At the time I didn't know that the tiny little earpiece was synced up to their cellular device.

Bluetooth is knowing coming built into your vehicle. This feature allows you to sync your contacts on your smartphone to your vehicle's contact book. This allows the driver to push one single button and say the person’s name they wish to call. The car will search through the contacts and find the person and call them for you. This is safer for the driver because it allows the drive to focus more on the road in front of them rather then trying to find the person they wish to call.

Another way Bluetooth is becoming big is that it is now being put into your home. This allows the homeowner to control the lights, the temperature, and their security system right from their smartphone. This is great for homeowners that are away a lot either on business or a vacation.

Bluetooth is coming up with new ways to use they technology with other devices and technology. The way Bluetooth is heading we might use Bluetooth in our everyday lives. So get ready there are more surprises to come either tomorrow or even 5 years from now. Bluetooth is still the future of technology.

This image has come to represent a technology that is making a huge impact on what we can do wireless. Bluetooth headsets got rid of the need for a wired headset to communicate. These Bluetooth headsets have a wireless connection to the device and allow the signal to be transmitted from the phone to the headset so that the headset can be used to talk rather than holding the phone up to your ear and communicating that way. But having the ability to send a wireless signal from one device to another is not just a phone to headset thing. The technology is now added to many other technologies. Wireless keyboards are becoming more and more popular especially with Apple making the wireless keyboard a standard feature with their desktop computers. There are even cases with built in Bluetooth keyboards for the iPad.
This keyboard case takes the Bluetooth capability of the iPad or other tablets and connects with its own Bluetooth sensor in the case allowing the operator to type from a keyboard rather than the onscreen keyboard. With the ability to connect wireless to a keyboard it allows also for more versatility in the field or away from home. For example if you are out of your house and have your tablet with the Bluetooth keyboard cases you can type faster and more accurately than working with the onscreen keyboard. People are use to a keyboard and taking note on a lecture or for an interview requires some fast typing. With Bluetooth people are able to type faster making for a better experience.

Bluetooth as a company offers these types of products as well as others that use wireless technology to interact 2 or more technologies to link them together so they can operate together. Bluetooth works with all manufacturers of technology from Apple to Microsoft and Lenovo and all other major technology manufacturers. With a large customer base and compatibility with all brands Bluetooth technology is taking away the need for a wired mouse and keyboard for your desktop as well as the need for a set of headphones connected to your phone to talk to someone. With Bluetooth technology all you need is 2 compatible technologies that can connect with one another and that frees you from the tangled mess of wiring and brings organization back to your life.