Sunday, September 11, 2011

Tom Friedman's Ten Flatteners

The most important flattener from Tom Friedman’s Ten Flattener’s would be “the steroids.” The steroids include computing, instant messaging and file sharing, wireless technologies, voice over Internet Protocol, videoconferencing, and computer graphics. These are all technologies that amplify the other flattener’s. The steroids allow all forms of computing and collaboration to be digital, mobile and personal. In his book Tom Friedman writes "As a result of these steroids, engines can now talk to computers, people can talk to people, computers can talk to computers, and people can talk to computers farther, faster, more cheaply, and more easily that ever before. And as that has happened, more people from more places have started asking one another the same two questions: can you hear me now? Can we work together now?”

All of the ten flatteners are important, but the tenth flattener regarding the steroids links all of them together making it the most important. The steroids include some of the most advanced technology that we currently have. The fact that individuals can be on opposite ends of the globe and have a conversation and see each other using Skype is fascinating. Wireless technologies and devices have also changed the world immensely. Being able to use a smart phone to check your email on-the-go has had a huge impact on the business world. Businessmen and women are able to continuously work no matter where they are; we no longer have to be in an office to get work done. This allows businesses to be more productive and successful. The advancement of computer graphics has also improved consumer life. When we watch television or play video games we want to have the best experience possible. With the introduction of high definition and 3D television consumers are becoming more and more satisfied.

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