Friday, September 16, 2011

The world is flat

Professor Lawson

Management Information Systems

The world is flat: Significant flattener paper

It wasn’t until Tom Friedman’s trip to India where he had discovered the meaning behind the world is flat. Which he used for the main focus point of his book “The World is Flat”. When he discovered this theory on the world is flat he was in India. He was in India because that was the new designated location for him and his employees to write one of their new documentaries. The documentary they had set out to India to write about was how the Indian working people strive to be like our American workers along with the main focus on the olive tree war. Setting out overseas to India for this documentary was post September 11. It was in India because they are the main place for outsourcing.

It was with a meeting with the CEO if Infasis, which is the Microsoft of India that Tom first came across the global economic economy field, is being leveled. The interview with the CEO took place eleven days after his multiple interviews with Indian workers in Bungalow. The CEO informed Tom that his view on the reason for his reactions towards the how the Indian workers want to be like American workers was in his words “the world is flattening”. Tom quickly wrote this down and thrived off the CEO words, and quickly had many views on how the man’s words were true.

Tom Friedman’s vision for people was clear to understand if you weren’t prepared because of the global economic economy field being leveled then you will be left behind and in the dark. Tom knows that our current world and economy is moving far too fast for many individuals to keep up with. Friedman’s views of globalization are a great attempt at explaining and understanding the driving forces which are causing the world to become flatten. Tom also sees possibilities that would slow down the flatting of the world which would be more time for people to keep up with the global economy; this would be a possible threat from a terrorist group such as Taliban.

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