Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Google Docs

Google Docs is a collection of products that lets you create different types of documents, like, Excel, PowerPoint, word documents, drawings, and tables. And it is all free! Not only can you create different documents, you can share these with other poeple while collaborating with them. it allows multiple users to open, share, and edit documents all at the same time. Any document can be stored in Google Docs. they make accessing files a breeze. With internet connection, people can access your documents and files from any computer, anywhere in the world.
This website has a Viewer that allows users to quickly view file types, including PDF's, Microsoft Office files, and other image types of files. It offers a link that permits other people to view your document. To directly access the Google Doc Viewer, go to http://docs.google.com/viewer. This viwer supports over 15 different types of files that include; Microsoft Word (.DOC and .DOCX), Microsoft Excel (.XLS and .XLSX), Microsoft PowerPoint (.PPT and .PPTX), Adobe Illustrator (.AL), and Archive file types (.ZIP and .RAR0); just to name a few.
Some of the features that Google Docs provides is creating basic documents from scratch or starting from a template, this is similar to Microsoft programs. As mentioned earlier, Google Docs accepts most popular file formats. This allows people to upload all types of documents easily and makes compatibility with other users and there documents very convenient. One of the more interesting features I thought Googel Docs provided that Microsoft office doesn't, is the abilty for users to publish their work as a web page and post documents direclty to a blog. You can publish documents online with just one click, and it would be seen as a normal-looking website.
Prior to this assignment, I had never heard or seen the website for Google Docs. I think it is something that I would definitely use in the future. It is very convienent for its users in the way that all your documents are in one place! Unlike Microsoft Office where each document is stored in a seperate program. This is a webstie taht would be perfect for businesses and teams that collaborate asynchronously. Google Docs makes things simple, all you have to do is go to one website and all your documents can be easliy accessed via that one site.

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