Thursday, October 13, 2011

Lotus Quickr

Lotus Quickr is a network application, specifically a collaboration. Collaboration refers to efforts by two or more entities that work together to accomplish certain tasks. Lotus Quickr provides shared content with version control in the form of document directories with check-in and check-out features based on user privileges. It also provides online team spaces where members can share and collaborate by using team calendars, discussion forums, blogs, wikis, and other collaboration tools for managing products.

The Lotus Quickr Website ( is very sleek and easy to navigate. The main page provides and overview of the software and the available features. The main page states how the software works with enterprise content management systems and with IBM Lotus Notes, IBM Connections, IBM Sametime, IBM Lotus Symphony, Microsoft Office and Microsoft Outlook. The website provides convenient tabs that provide additional information on the features and benefits, system requirements, success stories, services, how to buy and additional support. The website also provides "related links" that include: IBM Connections and IBM Enterprise Content Management.

The Lotus Quickr software allows individuals to store personal and team content. It is possible that some individuals may make a mistake and mark their personal information as shared. This will allow other individuals of their team access to their personal information. Only authorized team members are able to access the information to collaborate. This could be a pro and a con. It is beneficial because the amount of people that have access to the information is controlled. A negative with the software is that there will be very innovative individuals that will not have access to the information. These individuals will not be able to contribute to a project if they have a great idea.

Below is a link of a youtube video that shows how the software works:

Below is a link to a blog written by an individual named Stuart McIntyre about Quickr:


Julie said...

I also chose to write about IBM's Lotus Quickr. I found this program to seem very helpful. This helps co-workers communicate more easily. I agree with you when you said having information be marked as shared is a pro and con. If people are using this software for personal use and business use, this could be a problem. This seems to be managed well though because if the information is shared it would only be shared to the authorized team members. I like that IBM Lotus Quickr has a calendar. I feel like this could be very beneficial to help the different members of a team see eachother's schedules.

Jillian said...

IBM's Lotus Quickr is very useful. It helps people working together on projects to communicate very easily and sufficiently. In the workplace there are many pros and cons to many software system, there are always people who use work things for personal use. If it is authorized by an executive team member it would be very beneficial. But I feel people being able to see others schedules isn't always the greatest. Why do others need to know when you're in the office unless you are working together on something? The templates are very useful, so instead of starting from scratch you have a template to work off of. I think IBM's Lotus Quickr is a great tool.