Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Bluetooth Technology

Bluetooth is a technology based company that makes electrical products more enhanced and easier to use. The company started in 1998 when five companys had decided to form together into one to put all their ideas together. The whole point of Bluetooth is to make already made products and ideas more effiecient by making useful accessories for a product to make them only easier to use and operate. The business flourishes through this because so many people are looking for ways to improve their products making them easier to handle.

One product Bluetooth has enhanced is the whole idea of talking on your phone while driving. All around the world laws are making it illegal to text and talk on your phone while driving. The reason behind this is because whenever performing one of those tasks your either taking your hands off the wheel or not concentrating on the road which can be very dangerous to yourself and other around you. Bluetooth had enhanced the idea about how they would go about communicating in the car. The company had created technology to make calls and use your phone hands free, they do this by using voice recognition. It allows you to make a call by just saying something to the bluetooth product. The safety that this product provides make it a must by for people who are on the phone alot in their cars. This product makes it much safer to operate a car and communicate making it a must buy for consumers.

The second product bluetooth has enhanced is the household remote. Remotes can be a pain to find and there are always so many to deal with which can be frustrating and not efficient. Bluetooth has a product that is a remote that can control all of your household products at one time such as your tv remote, dvd remote, lighting and more. This product makes it much easier for the consumer to use and handle their electric household products. The effeciency that this product brings is what makes so many people go out and buy this product.

Overall after browsing the website I had noticed that Bluetooth makes a profit off of already made profucts and by making them more efficient. The world today is already so fast paced and having Bluetooth products makes it easier and quicker to use. This is why Bluetooth is a growing company, because the ideas are endless when it comes to making products more efficient.

1 comment:

Kiwi said...

Greeting Zach, I completely agree with your post Bluetooth technology has made electronics so much more developed then they have ever been. When the first Bluetooth head set came out and made you be able to talk on your phone with a small wireless headset people thought that this was the best thing since sliced bread. Now-a-days people look at it and take it for granted. A lot of technology now is taking for granted. The youth that has grown up with high-speed internet and cell phones never knew about the times when cell phones were bricks and only used to make calls. Texting was very difficult on these phone too and if you wanted to talk with a headset, it would plug into the phone and get tangled on everything.
Bluetooth has focused on the no driving and talking on the cell phone law. This is actually great for their business and they have a great opportunity of making a ton of money off this. They are leaders of this technology and no one else would want to go through anyone but the most reliable.
Also while reading up on this article I couldn’t help but think to myself how safe this makes driving around and communicating at the same time. Rather than people attempting to scroll through their cell phones trying to make a quick call, it is much simpler to complete this task through the use of the Bluetooth technology. Many teenager drivers who are new to driving and the rules of the road feel that they are a good enough driver to attempt to send a text message to their friend or make a phone call while behind the wheel. Attempting this task makes them incredibly accident-prone and puts them in danger as well as other drivers around them.
This post also makes it very clear how Bluetooth operates as a business. They don’t feel the need to be complete innovators; they instead just improve on a product that has already made it big in the market. Bluetooth didn’t invent the cell phone but they recognized that it was a hit in the market. They felt that they could make profit off the laws of no talking on the cell phone while driving and also the idea of being a safer driver and still being able to communicate. They took an idea and expanded on in, making Bluetooth’s products great technology, and making Bluetooth a great company.