Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Steroid

The World is Flat A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century by Thomas Fridman is a book that describes and analyzes globalization in early 21st century. Fridman describes ten flatteners that he saw as leveling the global playing field in todays society. Out of the ten flatteners the most important one would have to be The Steroids. Steroids is described as wireless, file sharing, and all analog content and processes to entertainment to photography to even word processing.

Steroids has to be at the top of the list out of all ten flatteners. Why is this you ask? Well The Steroids pretty much sums up all ten flatteners all in one. It includes some of the most advance technology that we use in everyday life in todays society. Without any of this technology that we use everyday where would we be today technology wise. Would we still be using Atrac tapes rather then MP3 players. Would we still be using the military size cell phone rather then the iPhones or the Droids that we can FaceTime with family or friends to even surf the web without connecting to the internet. Steroids I believe have made a huge impact on our society today and without it we would be blind.

1 comment:

Zach Kohn said...

I completely agree with your post on here Wes. I had the same thought about what steroids meant as a collective thought when I read over the list of the ten flatteners. He seems to take and string together about 4 or 5 of his other flatteners, and "beef" it up to make the concept of steroids that much stronger.
The most interesting fact that I thought of after both posting my response to the steroid idea and the ideas that you listed above, is how the idea of steroids creates a level, global playing field for todays society. With all of these digital and technological abilities available globally, it not only creates a level playing field that anyone can access at their finger tips. It also creates a rapid increase in the efficiency and way we are able to do things nowadays. It helps take out the middle steps needed in gathering data or information, which in return allows us to access what we need quicker and with more ease.