Friday, December 9, 2011

Homework #10

One of the topics I seemed to have a lot of interest in was the Three stages of globalization. These stages are from the book called The World is Flat which is written by Thomas Freidman. He states that the world is flat in the sense that the global competitive playing field is being leveled. They mention globalization 1.0 is the time era up to the 1800's which was run off horsepower. Globalization 2.0 is up to the year 2000 and was based on multinational companies. After the year 2000,globalization 3.0 is up to this present day and states that we are a web based flattened world. It also mentions Friedman's Ten Flatteners, which is a timeline of the world up to the point where "the steroids", which is new age technology, takes over.
This has helped me learn how much technology has taken over the world. The technology is being created to simply makes the lives of people easier. While it is succeeding at making people's lives easier, it is also taking numerous people out of jobs all over the world. For example, they are taking away jobs from many factory workers because they are developing newer technology that does a way better job than the average worker they are paying money to. They figure that it would be pointless to pay a person to do an average job on a task when they could save their money and get the technology to do a perfect job. While it may help my outside of work environment a lot, it will have its ups and downs with actually helping me in my professional life. It will decrease my chances of getting a job in the future because technology is taking over people's positions everyday. It could also help me in my place of work. It could make my job easier because of the newer software you can use at your job due to the updates in technology. The technology helps you stay a lot more organized and makes it so you are able to complete tasks faster and more efficiently.

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