Monday, December 12, 2011

last blog

I had many topics that we discuss in our MIS class that were my favorites but only certain topics stuck out to me. One topic that I enjoy was the Physical features of a computer system; all the different chips, hardware, software, inputs, outputs and drives increase my technology knowledge of information systems. A lot of topics were interesting such as how computing power was very limited but it is referred in terabytes, this did not really make sense to me at first because there are generators that provide The CPU with power for computing.  We also learned many good facts about systems designs about how they are design, who design it and why.  Just the simple fact that all the information on a computer is stored in ones and zeros which is a new exciting fact that I have learned from being in this MIS class this semester.

 An interesting point to me is that mankind is still competing to make the best kind of technology this world has ever seen.   As of now we have not reached the point where we have completely mastered the art of building super computers that are portable and sizeable to carry around, I say this type of technology will not be reached for another ten years. When this is created  it will change the world way more than the smart phone era , which changed life for everybody instead of having a desk in an office your office can be in the power of your pocket without freezing up or having bad results.

Another topic that we learned about earlier in the year was Tom Friedman and his 10 flatteners that changed the world by technology. I found it real interest how web browsers played a big role on changing everything and it started with a browser that is not even running at top peak any more, which is Netscape gave us the power to search the web.  Another Flattener was the steroids of the flatteners which is social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and more, these social networking sites allow people to relive events that happen the next day by uploading pictures and meeting up with friends you have not spoken to or seen in years.    
By Alfred B. Appiah

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