Tuesday, December 13, 2011


One of the topics that really caught my attention this semesters MIS class was the discussion on modern day privacy and how it is always evolving and how more and more websites are constantly updating their privacy rules and agreements. I also learned how easy people get hacked or how easy companies get confidential information exposed to the general public.

Privacy is one of most important features to have in today’s society. About 99% of all electronics are hooked up to the internet where anything can be published. Also we risk of being hacked and the world being able to see the inside of our computers and our lives. We risk the chance to have our identity wiped away right under our feet in today world. This is why so many people are being more cautious over the internet now a day because of privacy and identity protection.

I have learned how to better protect myself and sensitive information about myself better. I have learned how fragile databases can be ad how easy it is to get hacked and the world can see what is on that database. I learned how one hacker can steal my identity and I can never get that back as he can use my bank and credit cards, use my social security and forge my name on just about anything.

This topic will better help in the future and in my professional life by making sure I have the best firewalls on my computer to secure every file and to upload the files to more than one location. I learned that I need to be smarter online and not shop too much as my credit card numbers can be easily accessed on a company website such as Amazon.com. I also learned to be smart when writing posts on social media websites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google +. As people can hack into my accounts even though social media sites have strict privacy rules and firewalls. I also need to make sure I have smart and good passwords for my email accounts, since I pass important and sensitive message for my job.


1 comment:

Matt said...

This is a very interesting post.In the modern day world privacy is becoming less and less. Its a very scary thing to think about, when Theres websites out there that have my personal information without my permission. This MIS course has taught me to be very aware of what devices are connected to the internet.Once a computer is connected, its exposed to any dangers the internet may have in store. Hackers could even post private information without me having any idea hows it was done. An example of this is the computer hackers who shut down the internet in Estonia back in 2007. They turned computers all over the world into zombie's that kept logging on to websites into Estonia. In light of this course I have learned to be more watchful and vigilante of my internet activity's and to use anti virus programs to combat individuals who want to steal my personal info.