Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Microsoft SharePoint

Miscrosoft's SharePoint product provides shared content with version control. SharePoint supports documents to allow users to create and manage surveys that one might put out there to get feed back back from there experience with their services. Allow users to have discussion forums, wikis, and member blogs. One feature that stood out to me was the Share Point health Analyzer. This is a program the allows the user to be alerted when a potential threat comes across your computer. SharePoint Health Analyzer monitors your computers health and can automatically fix the problems. This is a great feature to have so you don't have to spend the time and money to get it fixed professionally.
The best part of SharePoint is that is proven to show improvement in your company's effectiveness. SharePoint 2010 provides dashboards and scorecards that help people define success. (Case Study Eastman Company) Eastman a chemical company avoided a $4.3 million capital cost with better asset management. Eastman switched software programs after two months with the old software. Eastman was introduced to Microsoft SharePoint and this helped them avoid spending $350,000 on commercial program and avoiding $4.3 million in annual capital expenses. This is just one out of eighteen companies that SharePoint has helped out in some way. (Customer Stories)
Another company that uses the software effectively is MTV Networks International. MTV uses SharePoint to "deploy a new portal. allowing users to publish their own content"(Pages 171-172). This helped out MTV communicate more effectively.
After taken a look at this software Microsoft SharePoint and all of it features. I believe this is a great software for big corporations and company. Before this post i had never heard of SharePoint, but after learning about the program more i am very excited to use this program in the future.


Megan Finacom said...

Microsoft Sharepoint is very similar to Lotus Quickr. They both have discussion forums, wikis, and member blogs. One feature that Microsoft sharepoint has that Lotus Quickr does not have is the "health analyzer" that notifies a user if a potential threat comes across your computer. I found it very interesting that MTV Networks International utilizes the program to conduct business and communicate more effectively. If I were given the responsibility at a large corporation to choose between Lotus Quickr and Microsoft Sharepoint I would choose Microsoft Sharepoint. I would choose Microsoft Sharepoint because they have share the same features as Lotus Quickr, but offer more. It is important for corporations to have a team collaboration technology in place to allow employees to work as a team and have a central place to share ideas.

Danny said...

This is also the first time I have ever heard of SharePoint. It sounds kind of like Google Docs, but more for major companies. I was surprised to see that MTV uses this service. I am also glad that you mentioned the companies that use this because I had never heard of it and MTV using this service validates is usefulness. It also proves that this product does have business implications because businesses are already using it to better their company.

The SharePoint Health Analyzer also sounds like a great tool for people to use. Getting free diagnostics for you computer and the fact that it can automatically fix the problems makes this service seem worth while.

I really enjoyed your post and I like the links and the fact that you gave page numbers so that I could further research.