Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Steve Jobs

Lenny Colometo

After watching the videos on Steve Jobs, you start to realize how much of an impact the man made on not just the world, but the way we look at and use technology now and for the future. Steve's life growing up must've been very tough on him, considering he was abandoned by his young parents and put up for adoption. The situations he went through growing up were learning experiences and only made him a stronger person. College isnt for everyone and Steve realized that from the moment he started settling in there. He went on to pursue a career and what he loved. Even there he went through a few bumpy roads, but bounced back and went on to make the greatest software ever invented.Steve managed to change and innovate every aspect of the technology world. Even though Apple wasnt the greatest technology out there when they first started, they developed overtime and used others as aids to make their products better. The Ipod software was the start of a revolution in the Apple Industry. Ipod's are still developing and are almost putting CD companies and other ways of listening to music out of business. The computers are even more advanced. The Apple Laptop's and computers have features installed into them that no other computer company could ever match till Steve Job's and his team made it possible. Jobs also helped create Pixar, which is the best animated entertainment company ever developed due its stunning graphics.Apple products are even used in classrooms and in the business environment. There are apps on the apple products that you can download for almost any situation. There are apps that help you keep your business up and running, but also organized. After watching these movies, you can say that Steve Jobs pretty much defined the saying "follow your dreams". Even when times are tough, if you keep your head up and keep doing what you love to do, you will achieve success. Life isnt always easy, but you need to always keep your eyes on the prize and follow your dreams.


zack said...

I agree with Lenny on his views and research found on Steve Jobs impact on our economy and future. I like how Lenny did such a good job explaining Job's life from the beginning until Job's short but well lived life. It was not mentioned in my blog post but was a good idea of Lenny to mention the impact of Job's creations to our society. He was great visionary leader which proceed to help him in his career of creating products of technology. It was a great correct statement about the technology that was created in Apple. Job's and apple were very successful at being ahead of their competitors. Always coming out with the best top of the line products that competitors could not keep up with. Features installed in these computer are exactly as explained from Lenny, with features that other computer companies could never match.

Kiwi said...

Lenny and Zach I could not agree with you guys more. Steve Jobs was an incredible man who has changed many things in his life. In my opinion it was all for the better. It is incredible to see that someone who dropped out of college and had a pretty short life was able to accomplish so much. so much that his name is known everywhere.